Do you...
- find it hard to stop worrying?
- think about worst-case scenarios?
- feel weighed down by "what ifs?"
- feel anxious or on edge?
- feel uncomfortable with uncertainty or doubt?
- have "sticky" intrusive thoughts?
- have rituals or compulsions you feel the need to perform?
- fear or dread certain things or experiences?
- struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep?
- have panic attacks?
- struggle to slow down and enjoy the moment?
we can help.
Our team specializes in supporting individuals with anxiety disorders and OCD. With extensive training and experience, we welcome the opportunity to work with you.
Perhaps you've been to therapy before and just felt like it wasn't the best fit. You may have even really liked your therapist but you didn't see the changes you were after.
Our therapists are skilled experts in anxiety and OCD treatment and use the most up to date, evidence-based practices. At Grounded Minds, our mission is to help you feel understood and supported while also seeing a significant improvement in the symptoms that brought you here.